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- «c2»* IRIS - THE WONDER YEARS!!! *«»
- «»«al»
- «»«as»
- «c7»Illi Recentes ImperatoreS: «c6»IRIS «c7»is one of the oldest groups in the amiga
- scene today, and was infact founded by «c6»Chris and D.Traumer «c7»with Marco and Zorro
- joining right after back in «c6»August 1988. «c7»Chris was at that time already a mega swapper, D.Traumer a
- musician (later also graphician and coder), and both Marco & Zorro were coders.«»
- IRIS (which is latin and means something like «c6»The New Masters) «c7»was started in France,
- and the first slogan was for a french crew in a french scene: "Montjoie Saint Denis".«»
- «»
- «»
- «c7»The 17th of January 1989 the «c6»first IRIS production «c7»got released, it was called «c6»IRIS 3Z
- Demo «c7»and was infact just a 3d scroller with a road in the background.
- It was released as a preview, but the final version never got out. In May Marco released the «c6»Marseillaise demo.
- «c7»In July the same year some of the most famous IRIS members
- joined; like «c6»Mandrake and Ulrick. «c7»Ulrick which was a musician (later also coder) released a cli musicdisk. In
- August some other known IRIS members joined, like «c6»Lone Slonono and P1.
- «c7»In September Zorro released his «c6»Workbench demo, «c7»but unfortunately it only worked on K1.2. In December 1989 the first
- IRIS meeting was held. IRIS worked on «c6»ARTEFACT «c7»- some demos of Artefact was made before. Artefact by the way, was the first mega
- demo of IRIS, and it contained a loader by Zorro, a demo by Marco (good), a
- demo by Zorro, a demo by Mandrake, a demo by Ulrick, a demo by Mlm, a demo by
- Ncs and last a demo by Ace (the best, the rest were shit I think). Anyway, a demo in
- those days wouldn't even be considered to be a complete intro nowadays.«»
- «»
- In January 1990 two other of the most known IRIS members ever joined, «c6»Ace «c7»(coder) and
- «c6»Goofy «c7»(graphician). Also Cobol joined but he was more famous in Quartex.
- In March 1990 Artefact was released. In May «c6»Olympia «c7»by Ace got
- released. Quite a cool demo at that time. Years later other groups copied
- the idea. At the end of June, Mandrake released the «c6»Paradise demo. «c7»The last effect
- of that demo is really cool, and could perhaps be used in todays intros.
- In July lots of members joined, and Flasher Jack released an intro. The month
- later, Lore (musician), joined. She is the sister of Chris & D.Traumer. In September
- many members left to create Defeat. If you read old mags from that time (like D.I.S.C.) you would
- see that there was a big quarrel between IRIS and Defeat.«»
- «»
- «»
- «c7»October 1990 was a very important month for IRIS in many ways. Ace released the famous «c6»Space
- Depth demo «c7»which got good critics in the leading mag at that time, Zine, and a
- pretty good ranking at the «c6»EuroChart «c7»if I remember correctly.
- I dont think IRIS have got a demo at the ranking list since then despite of all
- the demos released during these 13 years. In any case, I also joined IRIS then
- with my own group «c6»Mega Menace «c7»and created the first foreign division of IRIS, as IRIS until then
- had been a pure French crew.
- When we joined the slogan got changed to Legal Power Is Still
- Alive. IRIS fought against piracy and had the opinion that too many cracks
- would destroy the amiga. The philosophy was to have fun with the faboulous
- amiga, and those who worked for fame got kicked out. Double membership was
- never allowed. Soon
- after a division in Finland also was created by two members, I think they were
- called Titan and Daxer(?), one of them I met at #amigascne by the way last
- year. In October Ulrick also released his first intro. In November Defeat
- and Synergy created the team Symbiosis, and Lone Slonono rejoined IRIS. In
- December 1990 the «c6»first IRIS party «c7»was held, it was together with Atlantis.
- Slight joined IRIS. And already in January 1991, Atlantis is dead, so Digital
- Master joined IRIS. In any case, during 1990 IRIS released lots of
- productions.«»
- «»
- Also in 1991 IRIS released many productions, like «c6»Tutine
- Preview, IRIS Music Disk «c7»by Skywolf, Lone Slonono and P1 (or was it in late
- 1990?) an intro by Mandrake and Ace, «c6»Lovecraft «c7»by Ulrick & Deflector, Party
- Invitation 1 by Ulrick & Deflector, Party Invitation 2 by Mandrake, «c6»Toon #1 «c7»by
- P1 and Mandrake, TUC (a virus utility), and above all, «c6»the Mix demo «c7»by
- Skywolf, Lone Slonono & P1. This was surely the «c6»best days «c7»of IRIS until the
- strong comeback of IRIS the latest years.«»
- «»
- «c5»THE FALL«»
- «»
- «c7»The beginning of 1992 was not so promising. Lone Slonono, P1 & Skywolf left IRIS at the New Year Party,
- and Zorro, Steel Hertz and Necrophagia got kicked out. But not all was
- depressive, 3 good members that had joined right before, Coconuts, Sph and
- Asko were about to release a demo and a music disk. They had already made
- some of the IRIS packs at that time, like the Xanadu pack. And two other
- coders, Exterminator & Paranormal joined. They released a «c6»new year report
- intro «c7»right after and was working on a slideshow and a musicdisk from the
- norwegian musicians. Infact there were lots of plans, like Mandrake working
- on Lovecraft 2, Ulrick working on a demo, Ace on an intro, D.Traumer on his
- first demo etc. And a new musician had joined called The Master. The small
- divisions in Finland and USA were not able to come up with anything at all,
- and as for us in Norway, we didnt make much either the first years. We
- released lots of packs, like «c6»HitPack, «c7»Defect Pack, Mega Pack, Zerox Utilities,
- Guano City, Six 69 Nine, Quelton, History Of IRIS, Mr.Pyrre Utilities, Music
- History of IRIS Norway and infact many others. But our first real coded
- release was a real bad music disk released in March 1991 with the help of a
- friend of mine in Cave (Logic from Denmark). In February 1992 the first intro
- from IRIS Norway got released. It was very bad. Well, not much more happened in months. IRIS were working on many
- productions, but I dont think many of them ever got released. The famous diskmag
- «c6»D.I.S.C. «c7»which IRIS had taken over had some problems.«»
- «»
- In mid-92 I think everything went to h.... IRIS had been a good group, but I
- fear we (and of course especially me) managed to destroy the reputation of the
- past with all our crappy productions here, and there were many quarrels in
- France, and suddenly many people left/got kicked I think. That is, many of
- the old members, like «c6»Ace, Ulrick, Goofy, Chris, D.Traumer «c7»were still on the
- memberslist, but the coders weren't very active. And then something that might
- not happen that often did, everyone in Norway left the scene. I sold my
- amiga, the same did Mr.Pyrre, Dr.Muzak and the two graphicians (the rest we
- had more of less kicked at that time - the ones that didn't leave earlier,
- like Blaze/Balance, T-Bone/Silents, Moxy/Andromeda, Calypso/Cytax), so
- there was nothing left in Norway, Finland nor USA. But I didnt do as the
- others, I didnt leave IRIS entirely. I still wrote some articles on paper and
- sent them to Chris for DISC (which never got released - all articles went to
- Cemntary News by Bronx). Some months later I couldn't take it anymore, so I
- bought a new amiga... this one I have also kept today. Anyway, when I
- returned things were not going very well. IRIS managed to release
- «c6»Contemplation «c7»by D.Traumer I think, but that was about it. The rest were
- inactive. D.I.S.C. didnt become reality, so a new mag was born... «c6»E!ffel.
- «c7»It was also coded by D.Traumer. I continued to release my packs, Hitpack and
- Zerox Utilities mainly. But those were all IRIS productions in addition to
- Chris' pack. Something had to be done, so we made some advertisements to get
- members, and in Norway we managed to get some before the summer of 1993.
- Infact, we got quite many cool members. I went to the Rendezvous party at the
- summer 93 to meet some of the new members, and there I met the new coder. He
- was infact only an AMOS coder, but I remember I was pleased anyway... urk. I
- also met the great musician of the north, Coroner, and travelled together with
- a swapper called Spacehawk which I infact met for the first time only some
- hours before the train went to «c6»Rendezvous «c7»for the very first time. At the
- party we noticed one unbeliveable talented graphician. This was «c6»Bridgeclaw.
- «c7»His first picture ever ended at third place, just behind famous graphicians
- like Fairfax/Andromeda and Bcr/Stone Arts. We asked him to join us, and he
- was very very happy and almost hounored, he he... boy, we were lucky. At
- that party we managed to release an incredible bad amos intro, a slideshow and
- another Zerox Utilities.«»
- «»
- «c5»THE RISE«»
- «»
- «c7»Soon after, two real coders joined us; «c6»Zendar and Zytrox. «c7»We had finally managed to get a real team, an IRIS was stronger
- than ever in Norway, but still pretty weak in France and the rest of the
- globe. We got a real coded HitPack, we got the famous packmag «c6»A Pack Of Fun
- «c7»and for the first time a real coded internal mag. A «c6»Memberstro «c7»got released.
- And we began to work on «c6»D.I.S.C. «c7»again. Suddenly a few members joined in France also, and
- among them one bad graphician and one talented coder. We also opened lots of
- divisions worldwide again, and among them a good division in Turkey and a
- promising one in Belgium. Infact, IRIS had divisions in Australia, Belgium,
- Denmark, England, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Germany, Holland,
- Hungary, Jordan, Norway, South Africa, Sweden, Turkey and United Arab
- Emirates. No group has ever had so many divisions! It almost become an
- obsession to grow and expand, and IRIS had become so known that lots of people
- asked to join. I had taken over WHQ (together with Chris) as I was in
- touch with everyone. I changed the slogan to «c6»IRIS - When It Comes To Friendship,
- «c7»a slogan I still think is in use.«»
- Something started to happen in the Danish division of IRIS also, Sanctum (now Ib/Depth)
- had joined with a friend called Strafer and were planning various productions.
- They managed to get a pretty famous dane called Bird join. And in the beginning of
- 1994, the entire group «c6»D-29 «c7»joined the ever expanding forces of IRIS.
- Anyway, in the rest of IRIS many things got released, like many packs, packmags (A Pack Of Fun, Jurassic Pack),
- mags Connections, «c6»E!ffel, Inquire, Propagation,
- «c7»and later, D.I.S.C! Also utilities and intros were released, like an
- intro from Belgium, BBStro from France and more. The best norwegian board
- called Hidden Island became IRIS WHQ as the sysop joined us from a known
- norwegian group called Talent. Things were going great! We got high
- positions at the charts. Nevertheless, in the first months of 1994 I was
- getting burned out. IRIS was beginning to get incredible «c6»HUGE, «c7»and I lost
- control in February/March or something as I was in touch with about 50 out of
- «c6»70 members. «c7»I let alot of people join after seeing samples of their work.«»
- «»
- «»
- «c7»Right before the Gathering'94, we released the
- «c6»Doggy-Intro «c7»and by a mistake a preview of E!ffel 3. And at the
- Gathering, we released a special «c6»Gathering Pack, A Pack Of Fun, «c7»and a very bad
- demo which we removed from the party net. We also made a 40k intro to the
- competition, but it was 44k and had some bugs, so we never released it, but I
- still have it. 18 IRIS members met at the Gathering 94, and we
- kicked 5 of those at the party in a rather bad way. Like we kicked all
- involved in the bad demo, and people we thought were too bad. We also kicked
- alot of others not present, which either we thought werent very active nor
- especially good. 70 members were too much, and actually Zytrox, Zendar and
- Bridgeclaw made all productions more or less. We got critics from everyone,
- first that IRIS was too big, so we reduced the memberslist, and then we got
- critics from those we kicked (and others too). Two good members in Sweden,
- left to join Defiance. And suddenly Bridgeclaw joined TRSI! Something had to
- be done. The comeback of D.I.S.C. was soon a reality, something was
- beginning to happen in France, and Denmark had become the biggest division of
- IRIS if I remember correctly. I told Chris I wanted to leave as WHQ, but he
- didn't want to continue on his own. So I asked the Danish division to be WHQ
- together with Chris. I tried to get Bird, but he had suddenly become very
- hostile and wanted to leave with all members in Denmark, so I asked «c6»Darkhawk
- «c7»instead, which by the way accepted. I tried to get Bridgeclaw back from TRSI,
- but that was hard. I discussed it with the others what to do, and there was a
- majority in Norway for leaving IRIS to start a new group as it was the only
- way to get Brc back and our other friends that had recently left. On my
- birthday in August 1994, we released «c6»D.I.S.C. 9 «c7»and announced we had left
- IRIS to create «c6»Gods! «c7»It only consisted of some of the members in Norway,
- and Bridgeclaw joined us, the same did the two
- Swedish members that had left us. Before we left we had cleaned up all
- divisions in IRIS (to get rid of the more or less inactive members) except in
- Denmark, and the team was alot smaller... infact less than 30 members were
- left. In September IRIS France joined Gods, and I got some very angry letters
- from a certain Darkhawk. «»
- «»
- So in September 1994 IRIS were without the latest years productive members and
- didn't have many members left at all in the previous main-countries; France and
- Norway. «c6»Darkhawk «c7»had to build up an entirely «c6»new team «c7»by himself.«»
- «»
- The first releases by their coder «c6»Chivaz «c7»weren't very good to say the least.
- The routines of productions like Excusetro were very old. And at TP4 the intro
- Table48 by a new coder called Nash, was even worse. The «c6»Alien Music disk «c7»was ok
- though. I got to mention that Chivaz saved me at that party when my harddisk
- crashed, and I guess I wouldn't be a part of the scene if it wasn't for that.«»
- «»
- IRIS didn't give up, and more productions got released, like the «c6»Beware intro «c7»in
- 1995. But 1995 was probably not a very good year for IRIS. Things started to
- get better in 1996 I think, with several releases, like the slideshow «c6»Exposure
- «c7»which I enjoy. And many intros got released; a Infotro, a 2k for KG'96, Partymania
- for the Mulleparty and the demo «c7»Hotair.«»
- «»
- «»
- «c7»In 1997 I guess the «c6»real comeback «c7»of this old group was a fact. IRIS was very
- active this year with intros for TCP and Deep Bass Nine. They made a «c6»Delaytro,
- a Christmas intro (Juletro) «c7»and the demo «c6»Kilkenny. «c7»And some good members got
- attracted to the team. In 1998 IRIS continued to release lots of productions
- such as «c6»3rd Dimension, Woobo Intro, Scorn intro, BSE intro, Buack «c7»for the Gravity 3
- party and last, but not least, the cool «c6»Tinnitus «c7»intro from TP8. They also released
- a musicdisk named «c6»DanskPop «c7»that year and the demo «c6»Swift «c7»at TP8.«»
- During all these years IRIS have also released their packs; «c6»Avatar, Scream Pack,
- World Of Chips and A Pack Of Fun.«»
- «»
- «c7»The last two years IRIS have showed to be one of the better groups at the scene
- by releasing many «c6»quality productions. «c7»Some of these productions were a FastIntro,
- «c6»Poem «c7»(no fancy routines, but a divine message), and the demo «c6»Quest «c7»which both got
- released at the Symposium'99. The same year a oldschool intro called «c6»Jointro «c7»got out,
- and the Brutal demo got released also in the summer at the Scene Meeting. Another
- production released just before, was a great intro called «c6»Flash «c7»released at the
- Xenium party. But the best production so far, got to be the very cool «c6»I-Surf «c7»demo
- released at The Party 9.«»
- «»
- Last year IRIS have recruited some very talented members from various countries
- which I'm sure will release much in the future. One of them, is the coder of
- «c6»this mag «c7»by the way. Other releases from IRIS last year, was
- the «c6»Symp-slide. «c7»At the Scene Meeting they also made
- a demo, and showed it at the bigscreen. However, they didn't release it.
- At TRSAC 2 in November last year they released the demo «c6»Abecedarian «c7»which came second, 2
- points after the winning demo from Loonies. Late in December they released
- the oldschool intro called «c6»Vivid. «c7»And the first release of IRIS this year
- is the «c6»short intro «c7»for this issue of D.I.S.C.
- And of course, IRIS have become the co-publisher of the «c6»EuroChart «c7»with Depth
- now. And very soon they'll also become co-publisher of a certain other mag... ;)
- So there's no indication that «c6»IRIS «c7»won't continue to release quality productions in the future
- either.«»
- It has been a tradition to arrange various parties in IRIS. It began with the
- «c6»New Year Conferance «c7»in 1991 and 1992 in France, and continued with parties in
- Jordan, Turkey and Norway I think. Nowadays IRIS is yearly arranging the Scene Meeting in Denmark -
- a pure amiga party. IRIS has not always been "against" PC. Infact in late 1992/
- beginning of 1993 there were 4 coders and 1 graphician in France, and two swappers in
- Norway on PC in IRIS.«»
- «»
- However, nowadays IRIS have no PC members. Here's the «c7»current memberslist:«»
- «»«al»
- «c6»Adonis (Swapper)«»
- Bandy (Graphician)«»
- Cupid (Coder, Gfx & Msx)«»
- Darkhawk (Org, Ed. & Swapper)«»
- Dascon (Musician)«»
- Digger (Coder)«»
- Flower (Musician)«»
- Judas (Graphician)«»
- Matarazzo (Graphician)«»
- Nutman (Musician)«»
- Ransom (Coder, 3D Gfx)«»
- Shadow (Coder)«»
- Thrym (3D Graphician)«»
- TrickTrax (Coder, Musician)«»
- Yon (Graphician)«»
- «as»
- «c7»If you want to get old «c3»IRIS «c7»productions, then just contact me... or
- download them from «c6»www.IRIShq.dk. «c7»I've sent
- Darkhawk most of the productions I have kept. What else to say... oh yes, I
- wrote an article years ago hoping that IRIS would last 5 more years, and it
- did. Now I hope it will last for 10 more... have FUN!«»
- «»
- If you wish to get ALOT more detailed text about IRIS, then just contact me and
- I'll give it to you!«»
- «»
- «c5»IRIS - When It Comes To Friendship!«»
- «»
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- «»
- «e»